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Call for Expression of Interest

1.          Timeline

Call for Expression of interest ID #

UA-2023- 12025

Posted (date)

March 10, 2023

Clarification Request Deadline

not later than 3 days before Application Deadline

Application Deadline

March 31, 2023

Notification of Results              

within the four weeks after the Application Deadline

Period of potential engagement of Implementing Partners into the implementation

8 months engagement period

2.         Locations

Project activity will be implemented in the following locations:

Central area

Vinnytska Oblast

Western area

Lvivska, Ivano-Frankivska, Chernivetska, Zakarpatska Oblasts

Northern area

Kyivska Oblast

IOM reserves the right to amend the list of locations based on the security considerations, Donor’s requirements and any other factors that may change during project implementation.

3.         Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization

The planned activity is linked to “Transition and Recovery: Community Stabilization” portfolio.

4.         Issuing Agency

International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Ukraine

5.         Project Background

The escalation of war in Ukraine has triggered one of the largest humanitarian crises on record. With large-scale destruction of infrastructure, the needs for long-term and affordable housing among conflict-affected communities are expected to be immense in the short and medium to long-term. Furthermore, the extreme load on social services and resources has increased the risk of tensions among war-affected communities.

To address conflict-affected populations’ need for long-term and affordable housing, IOM has developed a transitional approach that focuses on remodelling government buildings into apartment buildings, building apartments using a modular pre-fabrication approach, and repairing affected apartments and houses.

To ensure sustainability of the intervention and avoid the unintentional segregation of internally displaced people (IDPs) and non- IDPs, IOM aims to integrate housing solutions in the urban planning and development programmes of 12 municipalities in West and Central Ukraine targeted by IOM’s ongoing housing programming. The project also seeks to build trust amongst community members and authorities by promoting constructive inter-group action through community-driven initiatives. IOM thereby aims to help prevent and mitigate tensions between IDPs and the host communities where housing solutions are implemented.

6.         Expected Results

IOM in partnership with selected Implementing Partners (IPs) will cover the needs in the abovementioned areas of specialization through diversified range of activities. Thus, activities in “Transition and Recovery: Community Stabilization” sector would significantly improve the ability of benefiting population to being more resilient to multidimensional shocks. These activities will lead to communities stabilization through arrangement of a series of thematic trainings (on social cohesion, inclusion of all community members: internally displaced persons, national minorities, people with disabilities etc., project development, community development, community revitalization and other), development of social cohesion plans for benefiting population, as well as local revitalization of damaged or old sociocultural objects.

7.         Indicative Budget

The budget should be based on the number of activities in target communities proposed for implementation. The proponents should provide one single budget for each Oblast using template provided in Annex 11.

8.          General Conditions

8.1 It is expected that Proponents would mainly identify the needs per activity and arrange access to the areas and benefiting entities/HHs for further implementation of activities stated in this CEI.

8.2 The selected IP(-s) shall perform the Activities according to the Terms of Reference (Annex 1). The engagement between IOM and the IP shall be further covered with a Project Implementation Agreement using the Project Implementation Agreement template (Annex 10) after final confirmation of project implementation.

8.3 The organizations responding to this call need to demonstrate their capacity to implement all listed activities as a single package. Partial applications for individual activities will not be considered.

8.4 All IP(-s) will receive written notification, within the four weeks after the deadline for the submission of CEI application documents, of the outcome of the selection process. Should an Applicant request further clarification, IOM will provide a response explaining the transparency and integrity of the selection process undertaken.

8.5 IOM reserves the right to decline disclosure of the specificity of decision derived by the IOM mission due to reasons related to confidentiality.

8.6 IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest, and to annul the selection process and reject all Expression of Interest at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partners.

8.7 In case the IP(-s) has an existing agreement with IOM, the proponents shall not be asked to sign an agreement that would conflict with their prior or current obligations to other IOM projects or that may place them in a position of not being able to carry out the responsibilities in the best interest of the IOM.

9.        Eligible Proponents

9.1 Proponents should be Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) registered with the appropriate government agencies and shall be able to implement humanitarian activities in the locations indicated in Chapter 2. Proponents must submit copies of their government registration documents.

9.2 As a minimum requirement, the IP(-s) should have majority of their key professional staff have at least two years of relevant experience preferably gained in the location where the proponent intends to serve as IOM’s IP. Preference will be given to proponents whose key professional staff are on permanent employment contracts or at least have a stable working relationship with the proponent.

9.3 Proponents shall not be involved in terrorist act/criminal activities or associated with individuals and/or entities associated with terrorist act/criminal activities. For this purpose, proponents shall not be included in the proscribed list of individuals and/or entities as contained in the 1267 Committee of the UN Security Council Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC).

9.4 The documentary evidence of the proponent’s eligibility to bid shall establish to IOM’s satisfaction. IOM reserves the right to ask the proponents to submit additional documents to enable IOM to fully evaluate the eligibility of the proponents.

10.       Evaluation of Applications and Selection Criteria

10.1 IOM Ukraine shall determine the Application(s) that is/are most favorable to its operation.

10.2 Applications of proponents who fail to submit any of the technical requirements and provisions required in this CEI and the Terms of Reference, shall not be considered for evaluation.

10.3 The Application shall be evaluated based on their responsiveness to the Terms of Reference, based on the criteria and their weight below:




Correspondence of the proposed methods and types of activities to the project components, aims and objectives

Relevance of proposed methodology to achieving expected results and project components aim. Detailing how activities proposed show IP understanding of project concept and deliverables. Relevant technical expertise and experience in working with a different range of stakeholders at all levels


Level of qualifications and competence of the professional staff involved in the project

Analysis of provided CVs of administrative as well as key project staff members


Proven organizational capacity for implementation of the assignment

Analysis of all resources, that NGO has for successful project implementation


Successful former experience in conduction of similar programs

Assessment of former implementation record including projects funded by IOM and other humanitarian actors


Operational presence and capacity to implement the activities in the targeted areas

Existing network of staff/consultants, partners, former beneficiaries and other stakeholders in 6 targeted Oblasts; existing co-ordinational mechanisms for successful implementation of the planned activities.


Operational coverage of all the targeted areas is an advantage

Ability to cover all the 12 communities in 6 Oblasts stipulated in the proposed Concept Note


10.4 Only proposals that achieve a score of 70 points (equivalent to 70%) in the first-tier evaluation (project proposal evaluation) shall be included in the second-tier evaluation (budget proposal evaluation).

10.5 In evaluating the budget proposals, the IP Selection Committee (IPSC) shall first determine the completeness of the proposed budget and its compliance to the prescribed forms and presentation as indicated in Annex 1 and Chapter 7 of this CEI.

10.6 IPSC shall check the accuracy of the computation. In case there are errors in the computation, IPSC shall correct the error and ask the proponent to confirm and accept the correction. Similarly, if there is a discrepancy between the budget in figures and in words, the IPCS shall ask the proponent to confirm the budget presented in words. If the proponent refuses to accept the corrected budget and/or the budget in words, their proposal shall no longer be considered for further evaluation.

10.7 In case activities and items are mentioned in the technical proposal but there is no corresponding budget in the budget proposal, the IPSC shall assume that the budget required for the activities and items are included in other activity lines.

10.8 Budget proposals shall be evaluated based on their economy (50%) and feasibility (50%). The proposals shall be ranked on a graduated manner according to their level of economy and feasibility. The lowest feasible budget shall get the 50% for feasibility and 50% economy, resulting to a perfect score of 100%.

11. Attachments

Document title


Annex 1 - Terms of Reference

Provided for detailed information on the specifics of pre-selection targets

Annex 2 - Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire Template

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM

Annex 3 - Concept Note with Cover Letter Template

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM

Annex 4 - Vendor Information Sheet Template

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM. It is important to add documents according to the list specified in the document

Annex 5 - List of staff engaged into project implementation and CVs Template

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM

Annex 6 - Code of Conduct  

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM

Annex 7 - List of Implemented Projects Template  

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM

Annex 8 - IP Financial Assessment Template  

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM

Annex 9 - Declaration of Conformity

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM

Annex 10 – Project Implementation Agreement Template*

Provided for reference.


Annex 11 –Budget Template

To be filled, signed, stamped, and provided to IOM


*Template may be adjusted based on program needs

12. For more information please visit IOM Ukraine webpage:

13. Amendment of Call for Expression of Interest Documents

13.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Applications, IOM, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective proponent, may modify this Call for Expression of Interest by issuing amendment(s).

13.2 All prospective proponents who received the initial Call for Expression of Interest documents will be notified of the amendment in writing and will be binding on them. Amended document prevails.

13.3 To allow prospective proponents reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their Applications, IOM, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of Applications.

14. Expression of Interest submission guidelines

14.1 The Applications must be sent in the form of scanned copies of all the documents in pdf format to the address before the indicated deadline – 12:00 (GMT +02:00) on March 31, 2023.

14.2 The total size of the attachment sent in a single message should not exceed 7 MB. Otherwise, files shall be uploaded to any open file sharing service (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.) that does not require registration, and the link to download the folder with files shall be sent via email.  

Please, indicate clearly in the subject line of an e-mail with the following information:

    UA-2023-12025 - “Implementing partners selection in frames of the "Promoting Cohesion" project” - [NGO’s name]

14.3 Applications submitted after the deadline shall not be accepted. In case Application is not accepted, the further participation of Implementing Partner(-s) will be annulled. 

14.4 As much as possible the Applications shall not have hand-written corrections. In case of inevitable situation that a correction must be made manually, the correction shall be counter-signed by the officer of the Implementing Partner(-s) who signed the Application.

14.5 The date and time of receipt of the email containing the electronic copy of the Application shall be used as the actual date and time of receipt of the electronic copy of the Application. In case of multiple emails containing the Application, the date and time of receipt of the first email shall be the date and time of receipt of the Application. IOM reserves the right to reject all of Applications received after the deadline. 

14.6 Implementing Partner(-s) shall submit the following signed and stamped documents to prove that they meet the minimum qualification as an organization and must submit proof that they have staff with the necessary credentials to be deployed in the project in case they are selected:

a. Annex 1 - Terms of Reference

b. Annex 2 - Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire Template

c. Annex 3 - Implementing Partners Concept Note Template

d. Annex 4 - Vendor Information Sheet Template

e. Annex 5 - List of staff engaged into project implementation and CVs Template

f. Annex 6 - Code of Conduct

g. Annex 7 - List of Implemented Projects Template  

h. Annex 8 - IP Financial Assessment Template

i. Annex 9 - Declaration of Conformity

j. Annex 10 - Project Implementation Agreement Template

k. Annex 11 - Budget Template

Additionally, proponents are required to submit the following information about their organization:

  1. NGO Scope
  2. Number of NGO constant employees (with indication of positions)
  3. Number of Invited Professional Staff (with indication of positions), including volunteers, trainers, etc.
  4. NGO Staff Schedule: indicate governing and controlling bodies of the organization and their staff (including the board)
  5. Number of Projects the NGO is currently implementing (specify the project, project donor and budget)
  6. NGO Procurement Policy
  7. NGO Budget (at least for 2 last years)
  8. NGO Donors
  9. NGO Monitoring and Evaluation System
  10. NGO Current System of Financial Control and Authorized Signatories Matrix
  11. NGO Current Reporting System
  12. Copies of financial statements submitted to the tax inspection (for the last 2 years)

14.10 All clarification requests regarding any provision/item in Call for Expression of Interest document should be sent in writing through email to attention: IOM CPC IPSC at least 3 calendar days before the deadline of submission of the Application. The subject of such email shall be UA-2023-12025 - “Implementing partners selection in frames of the "Promoting Cohesion" project”- [NGO’s name]”.   

14.11 IOM will respond in writing to requests for clarification received not later than 3 days before the deadline of the submission to Applications. IOM shall circulate to all proponents, the questions/clarification request, and its answers.

14.12 A detailed description must be provided on how the requirements specified in the Call for Expression of Interest will be matched by the capabilities, experience, knowledge, and expertise of the Implementing Partners.

14.13 The Application must be submitted in the English and Ukrainian languages and in the format prescribed by IOM within the CEI. All required information must be provided, responding clearly and concisely to all the points set out. Any application which does not fully and comprehensively address these CEI requirements may be rejected.

14.14 The Application document should comprise of the following:

а. Cover Letter.

b. Duly accomplished application documentation as outlined within clause 14.6 signed on all pages by the Implementing Partner’s Authorized Representative; and

c. Any other relevant documents

14.15 Applications may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time specified in this Request for EoI. Applications shall not be modified or withdrawn after the deadline.

14.16 The Implementing Partner(-s) shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Application and IOM will not in any case be responsible and liable for the costs incurred.

14.17 IOM on no occasion will ask an application fee from Implementing Partners.

14.18 All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Implementing Partners in connection with this CEI is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Implementing Partner shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the selection process has been completed whether the Implementing Partner application is successful.

14.19 IOM will treat all information (or that marked proprietary/sensitive/financial) received from Implementing Partners as confidential and any personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles.

14.20 The Implementing Partner by applying gives consent to IOM to share information with those who need to know for the purposes of evaluating and managing the Application.

14.21IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to cancel the process and reject all Applications, at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing partner or any obligation to inform the affected Implementing partner of the ground for IOM’s action.

15. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive and Coercive Practices

15.1 IOM requires that all IOM staff, proponents, manufacturers, suppliers, or distributors, observe the highest standard of ethics during procurement and execution of all agreements. IOM shall reject any Applications put forward by proponents or where applicable terminate their agreement, if it is determined that they have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices. In pursuance of this document, IOM defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

a. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting directly or indirectly anything of value to influence the action of the Procuring/Contracting Entity in the procurement process or in agreement execution;

b. “fraudulent practice” is any acts or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, the Procuring/Contracting Entity in the procurement process or the execution of an agreement, to obtain a financial gain or other benefit to avoid an obligation;

c. “collusive practice” is an undisclosed arrangement between two or more Implementing Partners designed to artificially alter the results of the tender procedure to obtain a financial gain or benefit;

d. “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any participant in the tender process to influence improperly its activities in a procurement process, or after the execution of an agreement.

15.2 IOM will reject Application for award if it determines that the Implementing Partner(-s) recommended for award has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for the agreement in question.

16. Conflict of Interest

16.1 IOM requires that all its contracts and agreements to be devoid of any form of conflict of interests.  IOM staff are required to disclose their affiliation with any Implementing Partner(-s) before the evaluation of the Applications is conducted. Similarly, all Implementing Partner(-s) shall disclose any affiliation they or any of their staff may have with anyone working with IOM especially those who are affiliated with either the requesting program or the Procurement Unit of the mission. Failure on the part of the proponent to do such disclosure shall be construed as a violation to the ethical standards required from proponents for this Call for Expression of Interest.

16.2 All Implementing Partner(-s) found to have conflict of interests shall be disqualified to participate in this Call for Expression of Interest. Aside from the definition in 16.1 above, the following are considered form of conflict of interests:

a. If any director, member(s) of the board or any other key personnel of Implementing Partner(-s) is/are also connected in any capacity, with another Implementing Partner(-s); 

b. If Implementing Partner(-s) has direct access to information within IOM, whether through an IOM staff or any other source, that gives the Implementing Partner(-s) undue advantage over the other Implementing Partner(-s);

c. If Implementing Partner(-s) has connection with key IOM staff who has significant influence on the outcome of the evaluation of the Applications in response to this Call for Expression of Interest;

d. If Implementing Partner(-s) submits more than one Application: and

e. If Implementing Partner(-s) who participated in the preparation of the terms of reference of this Call for Expression of Interest submits their own application. 

17.       Period of Validity of the Applications

17.1 Applications shall remain valid for a period of at least 45 days from the date of their opening prescribed in this document. IOM reserves the right to reject any or all bids that do not comply with this requirement.

17.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the validity of the Application, IOM may request the Implementing Partner(-s) to extend the period of validity of the Application for another 15 days. The request and the Implementing Partner(-s) responses shall be made in writing. 

18.       Negotiations 

18.1 After the evaluation of the Applications, IOM may clarify any provisions in their Applications with the Implementing Partner(-s) and if necessary, negotiate further any provision in the Application of the Implementing Partner(-s). The aim of the negotiation is to reach an agreement on all points.

18.2   Negotiation will include: a) discussion and clarification of the project activities to be implemented within its frameworks; b) discussion and finalization of methodology and work program proposed by Implementing Partner(-s); c) consideration of appropriateness of qualifications of the personnel to be assigned to the job, and schedule of activities (staff schedule); d) discussion on the materials, facilities and data, to be provided by IOM;  e) discussion and finalization of the reporting system (narrative and financial reports).

19.      Confidentiality

19.1 Information related to Applications evaluation and recommendations regarding projects shall not be disclosed to Implementing Partner(-s) that submitted Applications or to other persons not officially related to the process. The undue use by any Implementing Partner(-s) of confidential information related to the process may result in the rejection of its application and may be subject to provisions of IOM’s anti-fraud and corruption policy.