
Ukrainian Ombudsman Appreciates IOM?s Work

Ukrainian Ombudsman Appreciates IOM?s Work

20 December 2011

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Nina Karpachova sent her greetings to IOM Ukraine?s Chief of Mission Mr. Manfred Profazi on the occasion of IOM?s 60th Anniversary globally and 15 years of Organization?s presence in Ukraine.

?In the modern world, where movement of people across borders is so significant and dynamic, the role of the International Organization for Migration is important as never before. Such vulnerable groups as unaccompanied minors, refugees and asylum seekers, stateless persons, irregular migrants leaving their homes to survive from natural disasters, armed conflicts, and poverty, need special attention and care from the international community,? writes Ms. Karpachova in her letter to IOM Ukraine?s Chief of Mission.

According to the Ukrainian Ombudsman, in this context IOM activities aimed at developing international cooperation, fostering humane and orderly migration, advising states and migrants and providing them with humanitarian aid, are highly appreciated.

?From the first days of Ukrainian Ombudsman?s activities we?ve enjoyed friendship and fruitful cooperation with the International Organization for Migration Mission in Ukraine in such important spheres as countering trafficking and bringing victims of trafficking back home, fostering intercultural tolerance and counteracting xenophobia and racism,? stated Ms. Karpachova.