
Ukrainian Officials Studied European Labour Migration Practices

Ukrainian Officials Studied European Labour Migration Practices

11 May 2012

From 2-5 May, IOM hosted a study trip to Brussels for a high-level delegation of Ukrainian Government officials including First Deputy Minister of Social Policy, Mr. Vasyl Nadraha, Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and International Relations, Mr. Oleh Zarubinskyi, First Deputy Head of the State Migration Service, Mr. Viktor Sheibut, Director of the State Employment Service, Mr. Petro Petrashko and Third Secretary of the Unit on Consular and Legal Issues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Yuliia Pomazan.

The aim of the trip was to familiarize the participants with the comprehensive European practices of labour migration management, in such a way fostering the ability of Ukrainian stakeholders to design and implement rights-based labour migration laws, policies and programmes. Meetings were held with the European Commission?s Directorate General for Home Affairs, European External Action Service, European Parliament Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, European Commission?s Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission?s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.

Through increased understanding of EU institutions and counterparts, the study trip will engender further cooperation and understanding between the EU and Ukraine, allowing for both sides to maximize the benefits and minimize the challenges of labour migration.

The study visit was organized within the framework of the European Union funded project "Effective Governance of Labour Migration and its Skills Dimensions", jointly implemented by the International Organization for Migration and the International Labour Organization.