
Study visit to the Republic of Estonia for customs officials

Study visit to the Republic of Estonia for customs officials

On 18–20 March 2014, International organization for Migration (IOM), in cooperation with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), will carry out a study visit to Estonia for 20 customs officials from the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine on the “Electronic pre-arrival information exchange system”. Special attention will be given to the use of the pre-arrival information exchange system and to sharing experience and good practices on the regional level.  The activity envisages visits to the Estonian Tax and Customs Board, the Sillamäe waiting area, and the Narva border crossing point. Moreover, the Import Control System (ICS), work procedures, methods of risk analysis and the electronic reservation system for border crossing, among other topics, will also be presented to the participants.


This study visit is part of the EU-funded project «Support to the creation of an electronic system of pre-arrival information exchange between the customs authorities of Belarus and Ukraine – PRINEX». The project is being implemented by the International Organization on Migration (IOM) in partnership with ICMPD, which is responsible for the training component. Project activities include regular cross-border meetings and working groups to strengthen coordination and cooperation, hard- and software procurement, training workshops and study visits on risk analysis and anti-corruption measures, and information campaigns on the benefits of the new pre-arrival information exchange system, which will target the wider local population and commercial carriers. The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine are the recipients of the international technical assistance provided in the framework of the PRINEX project. 


For more information about the project, please contact:

Ms. Monika Weber, ICMPD Project Manager,

Mr. Andrei Zaitsev, IOM Project Coordinator,