
IOM Ukraine Joins Human Rights Days in Euro Village

IOM Ukraine Joins Human Rights Days in Euro Village

11 June 2012

The International Organization for Migration, Mission in Ukraine, participated in the European Village initiative to foster human rights promotion in the framework of this interactive street event arranged in the context of EURO 2012.

Under the arch in the centre of Kyiv IOM presented its exhibition of comics, telling the stories of victims of trafficking, screened the video version of its play ?At Home in Ukraine?, based on real life stories of migrants, and interacted with public to promote the message that everyone, including vulnerable migrants, should be able to fully enjoy human rights.

Joining the Euro Village discussions, IOM Ukraine?s specialists also took part in a round table on gender in border and law-enforcement agencies, organized in the Euro Village by the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM).

The European Village is a German-Ukrainian initiative supported by the European Union and the City of Kyiv. Presenting Ukraine and Europe in an interactive and entertaining way, the European Village 2012 aims to improve the image of Ukraine and Kyiv abroad and to present a colourful, diverse and exciting country.