
IOM signs Cooperation Action Plan with the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

IOM signs Cooperation Action Plan with the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

26 June 2015

IOM Ukraine’s Chief of Mission Manfred Profazi and First Deputy Head of the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) of Ukraine Vasyl Servatyuk have signed an Action Plan of Key Cooperation Activities between the SBGS and IOM for 2015-2016 today.

Among the action points are the introduction of anti-corruption standards into human resources management and on-the-job training of the SBGS staff, capacity building for the SBGS southern and south-eastern units, fostering e-governance with the SBGS, etc.

Lieutenant-general Vasyl Servatyuk thanked the IOM team for an active cooperation with SBGS, which he described as very important for the Ukrainian border guards.