
IOM Reaching Out to Ukrainian Libraries

IOM Reaching Out to Ukrainian Libraries

22 May 2012

IOM Ukraine?s specialists on counter-trafficking and counteracting xenophobia took part in a library fair in ?Ukrainskyi Dim? (Kyiv) to reach out to a broader audience through the distribution of handouts and publications to librarians from all over Ukraine, who would share them with their readers. 

The fair was organized by the Bibliomist programme, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Library Association, the USAID Parliamentary Development Program II, the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy, and others.

The participants of the event had an opportunity to share experience of cooperation with the state institutions, NGOs and international organizations, to get exposed to the new formats of presentations, workshops and trainings, as well as to communicate and establish contacts with potential partners.

Having information campaigns as a key component within the majority of its programmes, IOM Ukraine appreciated this opportunity to establish contacts with the libraries willing to educate their readers on the issues of cultural diversity and trafficking prevention. The participants of the fair were extremely interested in getting IOM?s counter-trafficking materials and learning about the IOM-adapted model of Living Library, an interactive event that puts a human face on the idea of multiculturalism through starting conversations between people from different backgrounds.