
IOM Provides Urgent Support to Survivors of Yesterday’s Attack on Lviv

Lviv – On 06 July, Lviv faced the biggest attack on civilian infrastructure in the city since the start of the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) began its response to the fallout of the attack immediately – assessing needs, administering psychological first aid to survivors, providing protection services and carrying out basic but urgent repairs to damaged buildings. 

According to local authorities, ten people have been confirmed dead. They also reported that 35 houses and more than 60 apartments were damaged by the attack.  

“Civilian sites and ordinary people’s homes should never be a target,” said Dmytro Sofii, Head of IOM’s Hub in Lviv. 

“IOM is working closely with local authorities to support their emergency response and contribute to long-term rebuilding efforts.” 

On the morning of the attack, IOM teams started needs assessments. IOM psychologists and social workers set up a psychological first aid point in a courtyard of the most damaged homes where they offered counselling services. They also provided water and food to survivors and rescue workers, along with toys for children. The protection team are working with the most vulnerable people from the affected neighborhood to ensure their urgent needs are met and rights upheld. 

In coordination with the local authorities, IOM engineers evaluated damage to four dormitories in Lviv Polytechnic University where 3,000 people live - both local students and internally displaced persons. Our mobile repair teams have started basic repairs to windows and doors, providing temporary protection from wind and rain, and will work on more permanent repairs. IOM also provided two hundred emergency shelter repair kits to the University. The mobile repair teams are expanding support to other civilian buildings damaged by the attack over the coming days. 

Although it is not close to a frontline, Lviv continues to be under constant threat from the air like much all of Ukraine. Despite this, the city and region host 273,000 displaced persons according to IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). It is the region hosting the 7th highest number of displaced people while it comes second out of those receiving returnees to the country who have yet to return to their region of origin, given its proximity to Poland and relative safety. In total, 5.1 million people are displaced across Ukraine. 

IOM’s emergency response in Ukraine is made possible through support from international partners like the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the Government of Korea and the European Union. 

If you have been affected by war in Ukraine and are in need of mental health care, please contact our free support hotline 0-800-211-444. To provide IOM with feedback on our work or to request assistance, please contact 0-800-215-015. 

For media enquiries, please contact Tetiana Astakhova in Lviv, Email: