
IOM launches new project on small business and self-employment for labour migrants and their families

27 February 2019

According to sociological surveys, every fifth labour migrant from Ukraine would be interested in investing capital earned abroad in small or medium-sized enterprises.

Having extensive background in small businesses grant support, IOM, the UN Migration Agency, with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development in Ukraine (USAID), launches a pilot project on small business and self-employment for labour migrants and their families.

Citizens of Ukraine who work (or previously worked) abroad and would like to invest capital and experience acquired abroad, in their own business at home, as well as close relatives of labour migrants, are invited to participate.

Grants of up to USD 4,000 the small business development will be provided to participants on a competitive basis (based on the results of business plans presentations) and in co-financing form: for each dollar invested, participants will be able to receive another dollar as an irrevocable grant from IOM.

In addition to financial support, the project offers free consultations for participants provided by IOM business trainer.

To apply for the project please fill in the form at

Note! Applications will be accepted until 30 March 2019. The number of project participants is limited.