
IOM Joins a Nationwide Information Campaign #EndHumanTrafficking

IOM Joins a Nationwide Information Campaign #EndHumanTrafficking

30 July 2019

On the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Ukraine, together with government and non-governmental partners, invited everyone to join a nationwide information campaign #EndHumanTrafficking. Being an awareness raising initiative about the global problem of human trafficking, it aimed at attracting attention to the difficult situation of women, men and children who have been victims of this crime, as well as to encourage people to actively assist the victims and counter trafficking in human beings.

On 30 July, information actions were held throughout Ukraine on the initiative of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine in cooperation with regional state administrations, the International Organization for Migration, Mission in Ukraine, the Office of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine, the international NGO A21 Ukraine, and the  All-Ukrainian NGO Coalition with the support of Global Affairs Canada, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In Kyiv, the awareness-raising campaign started in the morning at the Central and South Railway Stations, where thematic videos and installations were presented to the visitors, and public activists willingly communicated with everyone about the dangers of human trafficking.


Some time later, on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, active youth participated in interactive exercises, watched a vivid street performance of the documentary theater of Harmonized Society Foundation. The actors, using the language of art, told about the risks of falling prey to traffickers, the importance of safe behavior, as well as the protection of victims’ rights and freedoms.

In the evening, at Kyivska Rus cinema, the guests had an opportunity to watch the documentary about Marish, a woman who spent 11 years in slavery within her country. She found her way to freedom only after she got support. After the screening, the audience discussed the film with the Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, Natalia Fedorovych, 1+1 presenter Yehor Gordeev, as well as with IOM experts on countering human trafficking, who focused on current trends and risks for Ukrainians.

“As of today, IOM has assisted about 16,000 victims of trafficking, who suffered from labour, sexual and other forms of exploitation in 76 countries, including Ukraine. IOM provides legal aid, medical care, psychological counseling, family support, vocational training and other types of assistance based on individual needs to guarantee their safe, decent and reliable reintegration into society and return to comfortable life,” stressed IOM Ukraine’s Counter-Trafficking Programme Coordinator Etsuko Inoue.