
IOM to Award Fighters against Human Trafficking

IOM to Award Fighters against Human Trafficking

5 November 2012

On 4 December, IOM will host the Sixth Combating Human Trafficking Awards Ceremony in Kyiv, which will recognize individuals and organizations in Ukraine that have made outstanding contributions in the fight against modern-day slavery.

The IOM Mission in Ukraine estimates that over 120,000 Ukrainian men, women and children have fallen victim to human trafficking since 1991. IOM works with a broad range of governmental, non-governmental, international and corporate partners to combat this crime and since 2000 has rehabilitated almost 9,000 of its victims.

This year?s Combating Human Trafficking Awards Ceremony will recognize individuals and institutions that have made outstanding contributions to the fight against modern-day slavery in the following nominations:

-                    for personal bravery

-                    for assisting and empowering victims of trafficking

-                    for professionalism in law enforcement

-                    for leading Government efforts in combating human trafficking in Ukraine.

The Ceremony will be held with the generous support from the American people through USAID-funded project, and co-funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.