
IOM and Shcherbenko Art Centre present an Art Project on the occasion of the International Migrants Day

IOM and Shcherbenko Art Centre present an Art Project on the occasion of the International Migrants Day

"The Package" by Beata Korn

22 December 2015

The Moved On! project is an initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Ukraine implemented in a partnership with the Shcherbenko Art Centre on the occasion of the International Migrants Day celebrated on December 18th. Art-works presented in the Moved On! project display artistic exploration of the migration experience, where artists find inspiration in life stories of their friends and family, but most of all in their own experiences.

The exhibition is open for visitors at Shcherbenko Art Centre, Mykhailivska Street, 22-V,
from 22 December 2015 till 16 January 2016.

One of the participating artists, Alina Maksimenko, in her art piece "Field", explores the theme of identity and belonging to a particular place. Another artist, Oksana Pyzh, creates a series of portraits of her friends who left their home country for good. Art work of Alina Kopytsia is in fact her own wedding dress that literally tells a story of her relationships through email exchange with her fiancé, in which borders between their countries and visa restrictions are discussed. Beata Korn’s project speaks about ties with family members who moved abroad. Olesya Sekeresh’s work reveals insights from the lives of people who have decided to leave their homes. Personal experience of migration became defining for such artists as Valeria Troubina, Tatiana Gershuni-Galagan and Lev Markosian, and this experience is reflected through their paintings too. Art works of Sergey Kaydak, Myroslav Vayda and Ruslan Tremba attempt to look at identity and self-awareness, and through their personal memories bring up sentiments that are common for all those on the move.

Curator: Maryna Shcherbenko

Participating artists: Myroslav Vayda, Tаtiana Gershuni-Galagan, Sergey Kaydak, Alina Kopytsia, Beata Korn, Alina Maksimenko, Lev Markosian, Oxana Pyzh, Olesia Sekeresh, Ruslan Tremba, Valeria Troubina.

"Night Illuminator" by Valeria Troubina