
Cash assistance for IDPs in Kharkiv Region

Cash assistance for IDPs in Kharkiv Region

14 March 2016

As of March 2016 unconditional cash assistance is provided in the amount of 1,980 UAH per person in Kharkiv Region to new beneficiaries or those who received assistance only once during July-December, 2015. Categories of IDPs eligible for cash assistance in Kharkiv Region:

  • elderly people 65+ years old;
  • families with three or more children;
  • disabled persons (I, II, III disability group) who lost their employability and obtained relevant documents;
  • Families with disabled children;
  • Single-headed families.

Initial lists of beneficiaries are prepared by the state social security services and verified by the project team.

This type of assistance is funded by the European Commission for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Norway.