  • Yuri Rudenko | National Programme Officer
Within hours of the devastating 29 December airstrikes on Dnipro, Ukraine, IOM staff were distributing Emergency Shelter Kits to local residents and displaced persons. Photo: IOM Ukraine

On the days between Christmas and New Year, Ukrainians celebrate. Despite the war, it is the time when we give our kids presents, get together with friends and family and, for a few days, try to switch off from the harsh reality of almost two years of fear and bloodshed. Despite the reality all around us, we put on a happy demeanor and hope for a Christmas miracle.

I was on leave on 29 December but like the rest of Ukraine I woke up early to the air raid alerts. Russian missiles were speeding towards Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Lviv and other Ukrainian cities. The largest attack of the war was under way, with combat drones, cruise and ballistic missiles and hypersonic weapons.

There was no time to analyze or rationalize. I had to organize and coordinate IOM’s humanitarian response right away. Information rushed at me, and I quickly learned many civilians were dead and injured, and homes damaged or destroyed. The whole nation was in shock. Not even maternity hospitals were spared.

My city, Dnipro, is one of the largest cities in Ukraine – home to over one million people. With the start of the full-scale war, it became a frontline city hosting around 150,000 displaced people. 

The first step was to work with the Dnipro regional and municipal authorities to find out where the damage was heaviest and where we could help the most. 

They told me shelter kits were an imperative as many homes were badly damaged. In the deep winter weather, the last thing a war-affected populace needed was holes in their walls and broken windows.  

And even the local authorities themselves needed our help. One of the affected buildings was the office of the Dnipro Regional Social Protection Department, the authority providing support to the most vulnerable people of the region. A missile hit a nearby building and blew out the windows making their urgent work all but impossible. We had to help the civilians and support the Department as well.

Thankfully we were ready to respond, with EU-funded emergency shelter kits containing hammers, nails, tarpaulins, plastic sheets, knives, rope and fixing agents so that at least we could help protect people from the bitter wind and cold.

A Dnipro maternal care centre was heavily damaged by the 29 December airstrikes on the Ukrainian city of one million people. OCHA/Oleksii Holenkov

I can't praise my colleagues highly enough. They hired trucks out of nowhere in the blink of an eye and got them to warehouses where they were loaded and dispatched to the heaviest-damaged neighbourhoods. No matter what their titles or job descriptions, all the colleagues pitched in to ensure goods were delivered to the people that needed them most. 

Twelve hours after these huge attacks we’d provided 420 Emergency Shelter Kits to local residents and displaced persons in Dnipro city and 100 kits to the local authorities, enabling them to continue assisting vulnerable civilians in the region. 

It wasn’t the Christmas miracle we had hoped for, but at least we helped our neighbours stay warm, and showed them that they will never have to face adversity alone. Not at Christmas, not at New Year. Never. 

The nationwide attacks on 29 December damaged this Dnipro, Ukraine shopping centre. OCHA/Oleksii Holenkov
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals