In a dark, overcrowded cellar in Kharkiv, Ukraine, 40-year-old Natalia is hiding from near-constant air raids occurring nearby. Together with her son, niece, uncle and mother, she lives in one of the most dangerous areas of the city. Sleeping on a cold floor alongside dozens of others, sometimes she does not see the sky for several days. 

“We were under very fierce shelling. We had nowhere to run, so we went down to the shelter,” she explains. “We have experienced a lot of things here – births, caring for pregnant women, children and a person suffering a heart attack.” 

The second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv remains under attack by the Russian Federation. As the death and injury toll in this region increases daily, IOM assistance is being delivered to help those living in shelters that were not initially designed to accommodate people.  

Heavily damaged village in Kharkiv Region. Photo: NGO “Source of Revival”

Beyond the necessities like food and medicine, they are desperate for news from their families. Solar lamps provided by IOM are helping displaced Ukrainians charge their mobile phones, enabling them to once again hear their loved ones’ voices. 

In Chernihiv, the country’s northernmost regional capital, 70 per cent of the city lacked electricity due to infrastructure damage caused by heavy shelling from late February to early April. Almost half of the city’s 300,000 population left and hundreds of civilians were killed, according to local authorities. Even now, chaotic shelling puts the lives of people in the region at risk.  

“It was very scary to live in the darkness, but the worst thing was the lack of communication with relatives. People turned on their phones just for a while and rationed the charge as their treasure,” explains Olga, a staffer of the IOM partner NGO “Ukrainian Prism” that has been delivering the solar lamps and other aid to the most affected areas. 

“We transported the first batch of solar lamps from IOM in rubber boats across the frosty Desna River, along with the most important cargo for the residents of Chernihiv, when the city was still besieged,” recalls Olha.

Destruction in Chernihiv Region. Photo: NGO “Ukrainian Prism”

From the onset of the war, IOM has been delivering much-needed assistance to affected areas of Ukraine, including mattresses, blankets, kitchen and hygiene sets, containers, and tools for minor repairs. Such items are provided through the humanitarian supply chain, that ensures continued delivery of necessary goods like food, shelter, blankets, medicines, etc., during a disaster.  

When the war broke out in February, a massive supply chain operation, unprecedented in its size and scale, was set up by IOM. The IOM Supply Chain team was able to establish a complex cross-border operation to bring life-saving items to the most war-affected regions of Ukraine. These items have been tailored to meet the urgent needs of people and correspond to the environment in which war-affected communities are living. 

Solar lamps have become one of the most sought-after items. As an alternative light source, these lamps do not require electricity. The phone recharge function allows people to stay in touch with their families or seek emergency help.  

Emergency teams, hospitals, and people in the affected regions are receiving solar lamps from IOM in Chernihiv Region. Photo NGO “Ukrainian Prism”

IOM and its growing network of implementing partners have been delivering the lamps and other core-relief aid to some of the most vulnerable and affected residents, medical and ambulance staff, as well as emergency teams who provide life-saving support services in the most affected regions of Ukraine.  

IOM’s local partner, the charitable foundation “Source of Revival” is doing everything possible to help people who remain in Kharkiv as well as those staying in hard-to-reach cities and villages of the region. Because of the shelling, they often travel to deliver humanitarian aid in bulletproof vests and protective helmets.  

Delivering assistance in Kharkiv Region. Photo: NGO “Source of Revival”.jpg

Kateryna, a mother of two, recalls: “The village suffered a lot: airstrikes, tanks, shelling… We survived the most terrible moments: executions of civilians, violence, and death.” 

Over time, humanitarian aid began to reach locals, supporting them on their way to recovery. “Solar lamps are a real help for us – we can charge phones and use them for lighting,” says Kateryna.  

IOM's assistance is reaching people in shelters and heavily-affected areas in Ukraine. Photo: NGO “Source of Revival”.

Since 24 February, with the help of the Ukraine Supply Chain, IOM has delivered more than 71,000 solar lamps to affected communities in 10 regions of Ukraine. Solar lamps are part of a broad delivery of non-food assistance. More than 700,000 items have been distributed to 24 different regions with the support of a growing network of implementing partners and various donors. 


This story was written by Alisa Kyrpychova from IOM Ukraine.  

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 1 - No Poverty