Hire those who never give up. The first good reason why – they never give up. The second good reason – you’ll never be disappointed.

Hire Ukrainians. There’s nothing impossible for them. Ukrainians are brave, and Ukrainians are inspiring the world with their resilience. No matter how challenging the task is, they will work it out.

Hire Ukrainians. While the war leaves the country’s population impoverished and unemployment skyrockets, Ukrainians have to reinvent themselves, start their lives from scratch and look for new sources of income. If you can’t hire Ukrainians who fled to your country to seek safety, you can hire Ukrainians online as remote freelancers. It will support those who are displaced within Ukraine and it will contribute to stabilising the country’s economy.

One of the examples of online platforms where Ukrainian freelancers look for jobs is Upwork. There are thousands of Ukrainian freelancers at Upwork, who offer their services in different spheres from development & IT, to design, to creative writing & translation and so on. Ukrainians are highly educated and highly skilled – the country ranks fourth in the world in the number of people with a higher education – hiring Ukrainians you’ll hire top-class professionals. Clients rate freelancers from Ukraine at 4.9 out of 5 on average from over 150 thousand reviews. Search for a talent from Ukraine here.

IOM Ukraine has partnered with Upwork and trained nearly 70 displaced and war-affected Ukrainians to work as online freelancers. They are just starting at Upwork and they need your support. Browse by hashtag #iomukraine to support someone from this group.

Hire those who never give up. Get your job done. Support Ukraine’s resilience.

Story of Yana

My name is Yana. I am a graphic designer and illustrator from Ukraine. In the first month of Russia's military aggression against my country, I lost both a peaceful life and security but also my job, which was my only source of income.

For some time I was looking for a job, but unfortunately nowadays it is very difficult to find a job in Ukraine. I decided to try freelance at UpWork. In August 2022, I accidentally saw a post with a registration form for IOM’s training "Quick Start on UpWork for Ukrainians". I registered and a few days later received an invitation. After completing a three-day training, I received structured knowledge about working on the platform, which helped me get my first contract. It happened in about a month after the training. I am grateful to the course mentor, Sergiy, because even after the completion of the training, he provides support. Today I continue to work on the UpWork freelance platform. I am happy that the clients who worked with me are satisfied with my work - it motivates me a lot. I plan to continue to work so that my activities would bring benefit.